

The purpose of Boomi is to help its members and advocate for their interests. The forms of Boomi’s activity include events related to studies and skill development, like mentoring and the tutoring of new students. Perhaps even more significant, although often not as visible, is the work of Boomi’s students as representatives in the university’s administration. Student representation take part in almost all administrative bodies at Tampere University.

Administration at the university is organized in accordance with the so-called tripartite principle, which means professors, other staff and students each have representation in almost all decision-making bodies of the university. Student representatives have the same decision making power as other members of the governing body, with the exception of the evaluation of masters’ theses, licentiate theses, and dissertations, where only those who have completed the relevant degree have the right to vote. If you have a suggestion for improvement regarding e.g., the teaching at Tampere University, contact the student members of the administrative body responsible for that matter. The responsibility for the quality and development of our university ultimately rests on everyone, including us students. All ideas and suggests can also be addressed directly to subject teachers.

Boomi has its own representatives at Tampere University’s Faculty of Management and Business as well as the leadership and development groups of Business studies at Tampere University. These representatives are here for every Business student at Tampere, so you can contact them if any issue needs to be addressed and modified.

You can join Boomi here. By becoming a member of Boomi, you’ll also be joining SuomenEkonomit.