TTHP X BoomSki X Spinni – Basslines
14 Feb @ 15:00
FreeWhat: Basslines
Why: Spinni plays, people shred, and everyone vibes
When: Thursday, February 13th, Rail sesh 15:00–20:00 and the afterparty 20:00-???
Where: The Plaza behind TamppiAreena, Hervanta campus and afterparty at Teekkarisauna
Basslines is BÄK! If your study life could use some unz unz music, pants the size of Vantaa, and the clinking of rails, come vibe with the TTHP x Spinni x BoomSkin rail session on Thursday, February 13th between from 15:00 to 20:00, behind TamppiAreena on the Hervanta campus.
On the Plaza, the atmosphere will be boosted by open-air music and a warm, vibrant buzz. Even if your interest in park skiing is nada/zero/nonexistent, you are warmly welcome to discover the true essence of freestyle skiing: enjoying the moment together.
Basslines is an event in its own right, but by participating in the activities (sledding, skiing, etc.), you’ll earn a stamp for your Winter Sports Week pass. Once the rails are conquered and night begins to fall, the vibes continue at Teekkarisauna with beats by Spinni from 20:00 on.