First meeting

Keskustori Keskustori 1, Tampere, Finland

University is certainly an exciting new phase in life for everyone, but good new friends will help throughout the journey! Freshman weeks, or as they are called in Boomi, Smurf Weeks, provide a flying start to the study routines and offer a diverse glimpse into student life. 

Introduction of Boomi ry and Fair as a smurf -equality training

Väinö Linna -sali Kalevantie 5, Tampere, Tampere, Finland

Everyone is welcome to Boomi as themselves. Right at the start of Smurf Weeks, Boomi's Harassment Contact Persons will be holding an equality training session to go through the important acts to make this possible.

Sports Day by Boomsport

Boomilaakso Pinninkatu 57, Tampere, Finland

On the third day of Smurf Week, Sports Day, the Smurfs have the opportunity to get to know each other and possibly try new sports under the guidance of Boomsport.

Campus tour and Club activities

Boomilaakso Pinninkatu 57, Tampere, Finland

Boomi has a number of clubs and organisations in and around Boomi that bring fun and colour to the student life. The event will also give you the chance to explore the main locations on the central campus. 

The first student party

Klubi 57 (en) Pinninkatu 57, Tampere, Finland

Thursday is student party day in Tampere, and this is no exception! The first student party typically starts with pre-drinks as it dose this time as well. Smurf groups will get to pre-drink together with another group starting at 17:00.

Bola brunch

Klubi 57 (en) Pinninkatu 57, Tampere, Finland

Boomi's event committee, Rottakopla, has prepared a delicious brunch for the tired partygoers, which will help you recover well from the first week. 

Masters’ Smurf outdoor escape game

Tampere Tampere, Finland

 Masters’ smurf outdoor escape game Get to know your fellow masters’ smurfs and explore Tampere during this fun outdoor escape game.

The overall sales training

Klubi 57 (en) Pinninkatu 57, Tampere, Finland

The overall sales training is an absolutely essential event for every Smurf. Overalls are the number one outfit for every student, and without advertisements on them, they don't look very impressive and cost a fortune.

Smurf Olympics

Sorsapuisto Sorsapuisto, Tampere, Finland

The Smurf Olympics won't pale in comparison even to the ancient Greek games! During this relaxed and lively afternoon, you will get to meet people outside your own group and members of various Boomis’ active groups and committees.